Yesterday was officially Juan's due date (even though due dates are approximate +/- 2 weeks). Even though I know in my head it's approximate it was still weird getting there and getting through the whole day without Juan making his grand appearance into the world. A week or so ago a good friend suggested that I make a pedicure appointment on the due date so I had something to look forward to instead of being sad that my son wasn't here yet. So, I followed her advice. The day ended up being a wonderful day with no tears or feelings of strong disappointment. I got to go to coffee with a friend in the morning and then spent time with Jesus there. I had lunch with my wonderful husband and we went on a walk (he even made me go up the hill)! Then a friend and I got pedicures! :) Later, Jon and I had an appointment with the doctor and we decided if Juan hasn't shown up by Thursday we are going to do some tests to make sure he's doing okay in there and, if so, keep waiting for him to come out on his own. Then a friend surprised me with a present of chocolates and other goodies to make it through the day. The day ended with spending time on campus at Grand View and going to our last official Bible study of the year. Then to top it all off a few of the girls asked me if they could give me a foot rub. I felt like a princess yesterday.
These past few weeks I keep learning and re-learning how much thoughtfulness and caring for someone can be so small yet so big at the same time. For every phone call, card, gift or massage I just light up inside and feel so loved. It has been encouraging for me because it is helping me remember that if I follow through with a desire to call someone or give someone a note or something that it can really impact their day. It is also really challenging me to be more thoughtful of others and to try to believe that I can show Christ's love in little ways. It reminds me of 1 Corinthians 15:58 where we are reminded that our labor for the Lord is not in vain. So, thank you to anyone who has sent a text, gift, called, or sent loving some other way. It has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.