Saturday, June 9, 2012

maybe this time I'll mean it

Okay, this time I mean it.  I am going to be more consistent at doing this blog.  I'm not going to make commitments to doing it once a week or anything like that.  But I will comment to posting fairly regularly.  Especially for all of the family members that read this.  I didn't really realize you did, now I do. And I know that you love the kiddos (who doesn't?) and they grow up so fast; so I will let you keep up with them.  Especially since none of you live in town with us.  Boo.  I vote for someone to retire here.  What do you think, Scott? :)

We love love love summer around here.  All year I have been dreaming about going to parks, going swimming and watching the kids enjoy everything outside.  And that is what we have been doing. 

cinco de mustache always starts off our summer.  i think this might become the most memorable family tradition for the des moines schreiners.

we eat our snacks outside.  and we love every minute of it.

and this summer we decided to try to grow our food outside.  i had my first spinach salad this week.  no big deal.  :)

this summer we took our first no kids vacation.  we went to Charleston with my folks.  we could not have done it without the help of Jon's mama, Aunt and Grandma Bernie, followed by the help of Carol, Ky and Liz.  thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks.  as you can guess, we loved it.  we ate like kings.  the girls shopped.  the boys golfed.  we saw history.  we saw beauty.  and most importantly, we played cards. 

we went to minnesota and forgot to take pictures.  but we did capture Grandpa Scott dancing.  and then owen deleted it.  you are sooooooooo lucky.

we got to go to the lake of the ozarks.  edens first time.

we play and play and play outside.

we have been fascinated with all things animals lately.  we've been feeding the ducks and feeding the fish and goats at the zoo.  we also watched two nests in our yard to see the baby birds as the mama bird was feeding them.  owen and i are obsessed with baby animals.

owen has a big announcement:
"I am potty-trained.  I sleep in a big boy bed.  and I have a new big boy haircut."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. glad to see you back on, the pictures are great! nice work on the vacation, we hope to play cards with guys sometime this summer. I really hope you can somehow recover the picture of Scott dancing. much love from the naks!

  3. Owen and Eden, you two are precious! I love the watermelon pictures --- such a thing for a summer day! Can't wait to see you all soon. We love you guys!!
