Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's been a long, long time.

I have been bad at blogging recently.  Very bad.  In fact, it seems I haven't done a real post since October!  My apologies.

Owen is now 9 months and is as wonderful as ever.  This past weekend Owen had his first weekend away from us.  He had so much fun with Grandma Deb, Charlie, Auntie Anne and Uncle Pat.  The most exciting thing that happened was that Owen said his first word - "dog."  Jon's mom has a black lab named Hawkeye and Owen was both terrified and fascinated with him.  So after a few days he was "dog, dog, dog" and looking around for him.  It was so cute.  And then because of his new love for dogs we took Owen to the Red Rock animal conservatory at the Merle Hay Mall and he got to pet a cougar and a live wolf licked his face!  It was so much fun!

There is so much to say, but I know what you all really want is pictures of Owen!  So here is a snapshot of what we have been up to since the middle of October:

Random Pictures of Owen:

Trip to Idaho to Visit Matt, Melanie, Katherine and Wesley:


Living with the Richeys:



Anne's Baby Shower: