Monday, May 9, 2011

Spying, Cinco de Mustache & a Wedding

Owen had some funny moments yesterday.  Once I was in the living room and looked into the kitchen and this is what I saw:

My funny little man gets nervous to walk alone and yet he was walking just fine pushing the broom and "sweeping" the kitchen!

Later that day, I was getting the table and kitchen prepped for dinner.  I noticed after a little bit that Owen had been pretty quiet in his bedroom for a while and so I went to check on him.  I found him reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear laying down on top of the air mattress that was up from the weekend with my dad in town.  As I popped in the next 20 minutes, I kept finding him carrying that same book around while in a new position in the bed.  It was too precious... especially since he kept saying "brbrr, brbrr."

We celebrated cinco de mustache the other day.  Not to brag, ok to brag, but Jon won best mustache and I won best outfit.  We take our mustaches seriously around here.

Our friends, Sasha & Jacob, got married on Saturday (wohoo!) and during the in between times some of the kids went to play in the nursery.  We loved playing with some of our friends that we hardly ever get to see!
We tried to get one of the three boys because Owen matched the twins... but kind of impossible with three 1 yr olds!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


A few months ago Owen was part of a photo shoot for the website for Locally Grown Clothing (click the link to see the photos).  Our friend, Justin Meyer, was the photographer.  He also shot our engagement, wedding and family photos.  If you're looking for a photographer, we love Justin's work and highly recommend him!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Toddlers are bundles of fun!

I don't know what technically makes a kiddo a toddler - turning one or walking - but for fun we'll call Owen a toddler.  Owen, or "Tank" as the boys call him, has so many unique mannerisms.  I love this age so much.  He points at absolutely everything and says "s 'at" which means "what's that?"  He is also always looking out our windows and showing me the dogs that live at our neighbors' houses or the ones that are walking by.  He brings me books and crawls into my lap (which I adore and cherish).  He'll start dancing if you even just say the word "music" (not sure if he has much rhythm... but neither do his parents).  For his birthday he got balls of all kinds - baseball, golf, tennis, football, basketball - and so he has started to learn to throw which basically means he drops it.  But now he is also crawling around the house saying "ball, ball."  He loves Jon and is proving he is all boy by already wrestling with him.  Also, interestingly, when he plays with his cars he makes the "vroom, vroom" sound which neither Jon nor I taught him.  He continues to be a charmer and waves at everyone... however, its also fun because he is started to understand strangers a little because sometimes he'll just stare and give a look that says "who are you?"  Here are a few fun pictures from the beginning of his toddlerhood:
Look mom I can raise my leg!

Owen is so proud of himself for getting to eat snacks by himself!

Recently on our walks he has begun putting his legs above the bar - such a goof! 
Taco night... he's really enjoying the messiness!  The best part was I was wearing a white shirt and didn't know how to get him out without ruining my shirt!

His super cute walrus teeth!

Road trip with Carla & Kaisa

A few weeks ago, Jess & Jon went to a conference in Chicago and so Carla & I decided we would take a road trip to Kansas City.  We got to go to the Plaza, the zoo, and spent some time with friends and family.  It was so much fun watching Kaisa & Owen interact together in the car and the stroller.  They are such good friends


finishing the basement

On Thursday, our dear friend Carol moved in!  We are so excited to have her as a roommate.  Jon, along with the help of friends and family, has been hard at work finishing part of the basement.  In a few weeks it should be done.  They have been cutting holes in cement, redoing and adding plumbing, putting in an egress window and much more.  We have been extremely grateful for the numerous hours and long nights of help from different men in the church and my dad.  I have been floored by the generosity of their time (and their wives for being okay with it!) and with how eager the men are to do a complete and accurate job.  Here are a few pictures that I've taken along the way.  I regret that I didn't get any before the demolition occurred to show how nasty the previous bathroom was.  Hopefully, in a few weeks I'll get to show you pictures of the finished product!