Thursday, September 24, 2009

babies and the boundary waters

In case you don't know... we are going to have a baby!  The baby is due April 12th, which means that I (Jenny) am 11 weeks into this whole pregnancy thing.  

So, just in case I haven't gotten to really see you much I am going to fill you in on everything that has gone on so far.

Way back at the end of July, Jon was preparing to go on a man trip to the Boundary Waters with a bunch of the guys from Campus Fellowship while I was getting ready for the easy life of tanning and boating at the Ozarks with the girls from CF.  As Jon was packing tents and I was figuring out meals, I began to do the math and realized that, while Jon was gone for 10 days without being able to communicate, I would know if I had gotten pregnant.  So I tried not to think about it.

So on a Thursday night Jon went up north while I went down south.  To make a long story short, I found out the next Tuesday I was pregnant and had to wait until Saturday to tell Jon!  There were a few days of craziness as I had nightmares about Jon dying on the trip.  But during that week at Epicenter there was a message about not being anxious so I began to trust God with my fears.  

Saturday arrived and Jon came home a few hours earlier then expected, and just as he expected, I told him that we were going to have a baby. :)

Since then I have been introduced to many random pregnancy symptoms that I never knew existed - cramping, tiredness, an increase in the sense of smell, ligament pain and some other things I will spare you from.  I have been thankful because there has not been "morning sickness" - just the need to eat every two hours like clockwork to keep from getting sick.  

We have had only one doctor's appointment; next monday is our second one and we get to hear the heartbeat!

Jon and I are excited about our little baby growing inside of me.  It is amazing to think that this week marks a year since Jon proposed and now we have been married for five months with a baby on the way!  It reminds me of a verse I read today describing Jesus as being "able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" (Ephesians 3:20).  I can't wait to see what God is going to do during this new stage in our life.


  1. Hooray! Welcome to the emotional roller coaster that is pregnancy! Or, as i have fondly come to call it, The Chub-Club! (My feet joined the club these last few weeks. They are now caught up with the expanding size of the rest of my body!) It only gets better! Love you guys! So excited for you!

  2. Yay! I love my some baby blog :) I'm looking forward to keeping up with you and Baby Schreiner!
