Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"I can ride my bike with no handlebars"

The Flobots have a song called "Handlebars" which is a fun song if you ignore the political undertone. A few summers ago Jon was obsessed with it and we listened to it all the time. Lately, I've heard Owen singing it around the apartment as he is quite pleased with himself for all that he is able to do. A few of the lyrics go like this, "I can ride my bike with no handlebars/no handlebars/no handbars/look at me, look at me/hands in the air like it's good to be/ALIVE/ and I'm a famous rapper/even when the paths're all crookedy/I can show you how to do-si-do/I can show you how to scratch a record/I can take apart the remote control/and I can almost put it back together..." In response to his bragging, I've been having to teach him about humility. Even though he can't ride his bike with no handlebars, here are some fun things Owen has been doing lately:

*being in stand-up toys
*riding in the sit-up position in the stroller
*grabbing and hanging onto toys
*grabbing his feet
*and he can roll over from back to tummy (as you can see in this progression of photos, he has yet to learn to roll from tummy to back)

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