Thursday, April 21, 2011

Birthday Boy!

Owen turned one year old last Friday!

Owen's 1 year stats:

Height 32 inches (97%)
Weight 25.6 pounds (75%)
He currently has 4 teeth.
He is done with formula and the bottle.
And he is as cute and fun as ever!

And I would put pictures up, but...

problem #1 we add our photos to Jon's computer and he's had his computer all week.  no big deal.
solution #1 Liz took awesome photos of Owen's birthday so I thought I would download hers from facebook and use them.
problem #2 every picture I tried to upload to blogger (even my own photos) had a little note that said server wouldn't work.  that's weird, maybe because blogger knows their not mine.
solution #2 I decided I would upload them to picassa.
problem #3 They didn't work on picassa either but picassa was kind enough to inform I needed a new version of safari.
solution #3 download new version of safari. easy enough, right?
problem #4 I can't download a new safari, or the firefox, or the new chrome because I don't have a new enough mac system.  I think I've heard that leopard or snow leopard is expensive and my computer is not worth the update.  bummer.  So, at this point...
solution #4  there is no solution but to decide to just wait to use Jon's computer (which is no big deal).

so, friends, you get to wait for pictures... unless someone wants to buy me an iPad 2 for earth day tomorrow.  :)


  1. yeah for the post! i want jenny updates too though. how's your heart? mind? body? what's going on that's sexy?

  2. Happy Birthday, big guy! I see he's getting his height from his dad. he'll be dunking in no time. blogger has been weird lately and the iPad 2 doesn't run blog videos, fyi. I hope solution #5, whatever it is, works for you!
